Friday, November 9, 2012

Random Photos from My lovely Phone

Our annual decorating of the PUMPKINS!
That was some serious sarcasm (my phone is the devil)!  I am in the process of going through all the Halloween photos- once I get them will do a post of our wonderful Halloween!  But for now.....

Making Halloween cupcakes and then of course decorating them!
I think they have more frosting on their face then on the cupcake!

Our soccer star!
2 Harry Potters!  Yikes!
Crazy hair day at school!
Happy Weekend!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Glenwood in the Fall!

That heading would lead you to believe that I took all these beautiful photos of the trees, lovely weather, etc. But I did not, instead I just took a few photos of the kiddos on the motorcycles.  It was a great trip on the whole, we stayed at the Ranch (our great friends ranch outside of Glenwood) which is 2000+ acres of plush forest.  We took up Greg's and Gavin's motorcycles and went on a great ride on Saturday.  Well I rode  a 4-wheeler as did Sloan, while Gavin and Greg rode the motorcycle.  Too much fun!  It was nice  to get out of the city for a few days and relax with good friends!

Um, yea, I started this blog about 2 weeks ago and thought I had posted it, and just realized I never did.  SLACKER!  Come back soon to check out the pics of our very own Harry Potter and Strawberry Shortcake!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Whose Child Is She???

I am pretty sure her Dads.  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Steamboat with the Fam!

Two weekends ago we decided to pack up the kids and head up to Steamboat Springs with our fam, my sister and her kiddos, Mom, Marv and crash the home of my Aunt Jill and Uncle Jim.  T-O-O MUCH FUN!  I think the kids went nonstop for 2 days.

Greg decided to take off Friday so we could leave early, and hit the Georgetown Loop.  OH it sounded like such a great idea, it was going to be nice out, the kids will LOVE IT!  Hmmmm, not so much.  Within 10 minutes of it beginning Gavin asked if it was almost done and our little beautiful daughter?  She became the kid that is so crazy and loud people mutter under their breath "that kid needs a good spanking!"  It was very embarrassing and of course I read that is was only about a 45 minute trek, so only brought a snack each and water.  Ugh- I had a brand new bag of suckers that I left in the truck!  That is the best distraction around!  It ended up being about twice as long and right around lunch time.  At one point Gavin said, "if we didn't stop here to ride this train, we would be in Steamboat already."  Hmmm, sums it up!  We did make it back though, but I definitely think we will wait awhile before attempting a train ride again!  

We made it to Steamboat and had a ball.  Saturday we loaded up and hit the gondola to take us to the top of the mountain.  It was beautiful, the trees were turning and the weather was gorgeous.  Once we got up to the top we went for a small hike and of course the kids had to climb every single HUGE rock we came across.  There were a lot of falls, but even more laughs.  

Once we got down the mountain we did some bungee trampoline- Gavin did it for the first time.  I think he was a bit scared, but after watching his cousins do it- he was ready to go.  I had a bit of a heart attack - but oh well!  It was pretty much zero impact on his leg, so he was good to go.  

That night a friend of my Aunt and Uncles flew in a bunch of lobsters for a lobster boil.  So much fun and so good!  The kids loved playing with the lobsters after the initial shock of them!  It was to the point they were naming them.  Only a few of them got pinched!  ;)

We had such a blast and the kids ran and ran until they collapsed- so I think it was a very successful trip!  Here is a pic of this week, the kids have been very into riding the motorcycle lately!  Plus the weather is a bit cooler to do it, if you consider 80 cooler! 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Big Weekend with a Bad Ending!

So my son started school a few weeks ago and I realized - we didn't do a whole lot this summer.  We spent a lot of time at the pool, playing with friends, riding bikes, parks, etc.  But the Zoo?  Nope.  Museums?  Nope. I feel bad, we just never got around to doing anything like that.  So we decided to make it up in a 3 day span.  We started Thursday night going to the Aquarium- I had a girlfriend hosting a happy hour there and Greg ended up having a contractor party for Centurylink at the same time.  It was great, we both got to see friends, eat & drink for free, have animals come to the area we were at and have a private demonstrations and get in free to the aquarium.  It was awesome!  The kids had a ball- we all loved the porcupine named Zuri and the baby Jaguar they showed us.  They also did a special mermaid show - the kids were fascinated with that.  It was a great way to start off our "surprise weekend".  

All dressed up and ready to go! Please note- Sloan's first "piggies!"
Loving all the turtles (can see a big one in the background) and sharks!
We told the kids about the aquarium, but not about Friday and Saturdays activities.  Friday we took the kids to Monkey Bizness and then to Red Robin for dinner.  Let me just say, we take the kids out to dinner about once a month.  It is not fun right now to take Sloan to a restaurant, her attention span is very small.  But Gavin loves Red Robin and MB... and has been asking for awhile to go to both.  That night the kids and Greg went camping- in the back yard!  Gavin has never  camped with Greg- so they were all very excited.  Maybe Sloan was a little too excited.  She has never slept outside of her crib or P&P.  Her trying to sleep on her blow up, in a SLEEPING BAG (YEA), with her lovies = too much excitement.  Finally at 9:30 Greg brought her in.  I guess she kept playing peek a boo with herself and giggling under the covers.  She is going to be the one at the slumber parties that stays up later than all the other girls.  Gavin of course was asleep almost an hour  before that.  Everyone ended up back inside at 6 and slept until almost 8.  Yea!  I love these shots, the kids watched a movie for a little bit and I made them a "special camping snack" also. (I love the pic of Elvis, he really wants to come in.)  

Saturday we were going to continue the "fun" with a trip to play putt putt- but Gavin was complaining about his leg and the kids were both a bit out of sorts.  We ended up running a bunch of errands and my sons limp was getting worse and worse.  I did a lot of poking and prodding on his leg- Greg said he did see him do a 6 foot jump down in the bouncy house at Monkey Bizness and landed on his knees.  We chalked it up to him spraining his knee.  It didn't hurt him at all unless he was trying to straighten it out and put his full weight on it.  By Sunday morning the limp was getting a little  worse so we trekked over to Children's Hospital to get him checked out.... Drum Roll please.  My little boy, after his first set of Xrays, has a buckle fracture on his left FEMUR.  Seriously?  Poor boy!   He is now is a knee brace and we are meeting with orthopedics tomorrow- hoping he can just wear the brace and not the full leg cast.  So our fun weekend, ended with somewhat of a bad bang.  Oh well, he is a wonderful patient!  And cute as pie!  See he didn't look upset!  

Here is some fun pictures of last week- what?  Is my helmet not fitting?  Rain boots are perfect for riding bikes!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Phone pictures and BIG NEWS

Did that grab your attention?  Big News?  It should, Gavin started school again!  How is that for big news?  Ha Ha!  My little boy started back to Pre-school, for the last time.  Once he takes off next summer he will be going back to start kindergarten.  Yikes!  (Scary to think about, especially since we have yet to pick a school.)  Greg of course was travelling this week, so did not get the chance to be here for it.  The "official" start day isn't for another few  weeks, but we always like him to go back a bit earlier and have some fun "summer" days at school.  Like tomorrow- Water Day!  Yea!  The only problem is that a lot of his buddies haven't moved to the class he is in yet, they will once school starts.  Oh well!

Sister had to get in on the action too!

Such a big handsome boy!  
Our big fish!
 Here are some random pictures from my phone over the last month.  It has been such a busy, fun summer.  I can't believe it is almost over.  I just wish the weather would cool down a bit.  Oh well, more pool days!  

Little Lady Bug and Tiger at the pool!
Sleepy girl with her beautiful drawing
Rain where are you???  
What?  Doesn't everyone wear a hat while watching Beach Volleyball?  
My pride and joy, first EVER squash and 2 of about 100 cherry tomatoes I have grown.  I am an official  farmer!
Wish me luck- we are hosting my Mom's side of the family for a reunion- The Hogoboom family.  Or what we like to call the women of this clan- the Boom Boom girls!  Should be a fun time and a ton of laughs.  

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Sloan Lillian!

 I love the above picture (pic from 1st and 2 nd bday), shows just how much she loves sweets.  I don't need to use a fork, my mouth and hands work just fine!  But yea, she finally has some hair!

On July 19th my baby turned 2.  I guess she is now considered a full fledged toddler now.  Scary I know!  We started the celebration the Sunday before with a party at our house.  She got to pick out the theme, and did Strawberry Shortcake!  I have a special fondeness for that girl, I think I had all the dolls and a house or two.  So we kept with the theme and did a cupcake cake decorated as a strawberry also.  We had family over and she had a wonderful time.  Her big gift was a bike from us.  She loves it!  Brother got her knee pads, elbow pads and gloves to go along with it.  We also let her pick out a new helmet from her birthday money, she of course got a little kitty one.  Too cute!

On her actual birthday we did pool time at the house and played.  That night we went for dinner at Gunther Toody's which was a tradition for Gavin also- until he got old enough to tell us where he would rather go.  That evening we busted out the bikes and let Sloan ride around on her new one.  She loves it! Will post pics once downloaded.  On Friday Greg took the day off and we all went to our pool - Greg got to see just how wild of a child in the pool she is!  No fear that one!  Overall I think she had a wonderful birthday and is such a wonderful 2 year old.  I am one lucky Mommy.