Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Snow Days

Last week we had our annual "spring snow", which is always wonderful, Greg has the luxury to work from home on those days, so it is nice to just hunker down with all my boys. It was pretty crazy for a few hours and I think the whole state was on alert. We stayed in all day, enjoying our cozy home before all hell broke loose! But that is another story and another blog for a later day........

On Friday Greg had taken the day off to prep for our main floor getting new carpet and paint. Gavin and I got bundled up and ventured outside to play in the snow. That consisted of me pulling him for about 10 feet on the sled, then him wanting to go get his wagon and ride in that. Not too keen on the sledding if there isn't a major hill to go down I guess! It was actually a gorgeous day and the dogs basked in the sun and Gavin and I marched up and down the paths that had some snow on them, but not a ton. He loved it, except for when he would fall. Didn't like his little hands to get cold! And of course he wouldn't wear any gloves. The dogs of course enjoyed the snow and loved playing it!

Gavin has been sick for a few days, had some major tummy issues (that is my nice way of saying that he is spewing something funky from his rear end) and on Saturday night, woke up and puked his little guts out. He of course was at Grandma and Papa's house when he did this, for some reason he loves to get super sick over there! They said he was a little freaked out about the puking thing, he really has never done it and now that he is eating EVERYTHING, I am sure it wasn't pretty. He either has a little flu or another tooth coming in. He is up to 7 teeth now and loves the flash them in his little sly grin to all the ladies. He is very much a flirt and now I understand why Greg likes to take him places! He is a chick magnet!

Right now I think he is a little freaked out with our house being in shambles, the dogs being gone and he not being able to be downstairs for the past 2 days. Luckily today he was able to play freely, but none of our furniture is back in as of yet. Hopefully tonight we will get the majority of it moved and maybe sleep in our own bed tonight! Oh the joy! Once all furniture is in and the paint is done I will post pics of all the work that has been done. One last thing, I think painting is the worst thing in the world and I would give up wine for a WHOLE month to pay for painters the next go round!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Belated Birthday Wishes

On Sunday my husband turned 34! Finally he is my age..... We had a lot to celebrate, last week was a pretty hard week for both of us. Greg was having some problems with his noggin and it was getting worse instead of better. After a trip to his doctor, an MRI and a trip to a neurologist we have concluded that he had some pinched nerves and a torn muscle in his neck. He is now feeling so much better and I am not a nervous wreck!

We celebrated his birthday with our families and friends on Saturday night at La Placita. We had a great time and are so thankful for good friends and family! Sunday was Greg's actual birthday and we spent the morning going for a walk and hanging around the house. The afternoon was spent with my Grandmother and family in Bennett. After years of struggling with illnesses my Uncle passed away on Saturday. So somewhat of a somber day. We made dinner that night and just hung out, appreciating each other and of course our munchkin. Monday night Greg and I had a date at our local sushi restaurant for a final day of celebration.

This week has been interesting. Gavin is going through either a growth spurt or a brat spurt. It is 10a.m. and he has already had 4, YES 4 meltdowns. Throw himself on the floor, cry, yell, and look at me with his evil eye. It has been super fun! I did notice he has a tooth popping through up top. That is hopefully why he is behaving like such a pill. I also think the time change has thrown him for a little loop, he is now sleeping until 7-7:30 every morning, which is wonderful, but his naps are completely off. This week he is only taking one nap and not falling asleep until late. But today he is actually asleep by 10, oh well! Maybe one day we can get it together! Much love to all~enjoy life to the fullest!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Feisty & Four

Today my original baby turns 4~ yes, that is right, Elvis Hank turns 4! Or should I say 28 in dog years. The morning started out with Elvis ACTUALLY getting up with me this morning and going upstairs to get Gavin. As soon as I walked in the room both dogs went straight to Gavin's crib so he can pet them through the bars. I started singing Happy Birthday to Elvis and I swear Gavin chimed in a bit. It was very cute. Once we were downstairs we got Elvis' present out and gave it to him. Well Crash actually stole it, but oh well. I definitely think that Gavin knew something is going on, he kept sitting next to Elvis and "patting" him. He doesn't do a very good job petting them, it is a little stronger than that! My baby is no longer a puppy or a teenager! Scary......I added in some photos of my baby through the years. He has grown so, but is still handsome as ever! The very last one, where he is laying on a green blanket, was the very first day I got him, he was such an adorable puppy!

On another note, Gavin is wonderful as usual. He is getting bigger daily. Greg and I left him for a full 3 nights last weekend and as soon as I saw him again, I said, "HE IS BIGGER, HE LOOKS LIKE A LITTLE MAN!" It was like he was a whole new boy. His new thing right now is dancing and clicking his tongue. I guess it was because he can't quite sing! He is very chatty and smart! Greg thinks he takes direction very well. And he does, except, DON'T HIT THE DOGS. We are trying to get him to feed himself. He is doing pretty well, he will use his spoon, but will pick up his food in the spoon, then pick it out of the spoon instead of putting it in his mouth. Oh well! He tried steak a few nights ago, wasn't really a fan, but still loving everything else! We are so lucky he has no allergies thus far. Still keeps me on my toes and very entertained. This weekend will be full, with us celebrating Daddy's birthday Saturday with everyone and his actual birthday on Sunday!