Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Favorite things

Here is a list of Gavin's favorite things:

Food: Raviolis, with a PGJ as close 2nd

Fruit: Kiwi

Veggie: Peas (which is odd because Greg & I did not like them as kids)

Snack: Graham Crackers

Toy: Play-doh

Pastime: Reading books

Book: Barnyard Dance

Song: Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas, he loves to dance and sing to it!

Show: Sports & That 70's Show (he likes the music to it, doesn't really watch it, sheesh, I am not that bad of a parent!)

Commercial: The Dell commercial that has the "Lolly pop" song on it, he loves to dance to it

Outfit: Nothing- he loves being naked

Outside Activity: Mowing

Word: No & Momma

Sport: Golf (he loves his clubs and is finally getting the hang of hitting the balls)

On another note, a few VERY IMPORTANT WORDS in the past few days: Grandma, Jenny and Gavin. So cute!

Monday, August 17, 2009

New words

I decided that I would do a list of Gavin's new words. Before I get to that, we will discuss his attitude. He is definitely over his cold, but the crankiness is still there. But more importantly, his sleep schedule is back to normal! Yea! Back to long naps and sleeping until 7 or later! Did I mention though that his pissy attitude is still running strong? Because it is. And it is super duper fun. Let me tell you. Luckily though all he really wanted this weekend was Greg, so I could get away with ignoring it. Yes, that is how I am.

The weekend was otherwise good, I went to bed at 7 on Friday night, which was wonderful! I don't know the last time I slept 12 hours! Saturday we walked in the AIDS walk, which is always fun and colorful. Saturday night was spent playing bags, bbqing and playing cribbage with Mom and Marv. A nice and mellow weekend, which was very nice. Gavin spent some time with Grandma and Papa at the park on Sunday, as noted by the above photos. Which brings me to our latest gift from the Kunz's. A web cam, because they don't see him enough! :) Greg was a little skeptical about it, didn't know if Gavin would be very into it. They set it up yesterday and he absolutely loves it. And I can take photos and video from it also. See below, this is yesterdays lunch. Yes, I take a lot of pics of him while eating, I don't know why.

New words this past week, and I hate to admit, I should have been writing down his words, because I have no idea how many he has said, if I had to guess probably about 150-200. Like his first word was circle, but yet, have not heard him say it again. So on to his new words, just THIS PAST WEEK:

I love the smell of Play-doh!

Bubbles, boom boom (his new fave song is Boom Boom Pow), cars, bum bum, cow, balloon, crap, peepee, truck, red ball, blue, shit, juice, baby and probably a few more, I can't remember. I do have to say, besides his saying Momma, I love when he says please (peas) and thank you (dank you). And he uses them in the right context! Love it!

I had to add in some photos of the dogs, these were just too cute to not put up. Elvis with a ball and Crash speaking. He looks ferocious! Look later this week to Gavin's favorite things!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My son...

IS SICK! Yes, that is right, my little munchkin is sick. He has had a fever since Sunday night, a runny nose, poop out the wazoo, literally, and cranky. Is that really a symptom? Anyway, it has been a rough few days, but I think he is finally coming out of it. No fever for 6 hours now, but the CRANKINESS IS STILL THERE. He just threw a huge fit, boogers flowing, tears gushing and it took me 30 minutes to realize what he wanted. For me to take his temperature and then to give him Tylenol. He did not take it well when I wouldn't give him any, he tried opening it himself and take his own temperature. Which is very cute, it is a fancy shmancy head one, where you take it from the middle of your forehead and move it along the brow. He has it down pat, but he is not taking it well that he gets no more "medicine." So, no pic, unless you wanted to see him with his snotty nose, funky hair and bad breath! Will blog later this week when he gets better and I start snapping some pics.

PS My son said his first cuss word today....CRAP. It is not as bad as he hears from Papa - but my fault! On our quick trip to Target this morning for some drugs and matchbox cars- I was strapping him into his car seat when a gust came up and took our cart straight into a minivan. I muttered crap and the little munchkin said it right back to me. All I have to say is, if that is the worst that comes out of his mouth, I will be F#$%ING proud! Ha!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am sitting here thinking of what to write. Do I start off with how stinking adorable my son is, while he sits next to me playing so quietly with his Play-doh. How he stacks the tubs, or how he takes out a color, gives it to me and assumes I will make balls for him to put into his tupperware. How besides going outside this is his new favorite thing. He can spend an hour sitting at the table playing and when you put it away he cries and throws a fit. Or how when playing with Daddy, Greg got upset because, GOD FORBID, A TODDLER COMBINES TWO OF THE COLORS. I had to have a little talk with Greg after that, and remind him. THIS IS GAVIN'S TOYS, NOT YOURS. He can do with it what he wants..... Sheesh.

Or maybe I will talk about the lovely weekend I had with my hubby and baby. That started on Friday with my heading to the Zoo with Grandma and Aunt Jenny. How Gavin could finally see all the animals and say goodbye to them as we walked by. How he loved to run around and didn't even get frightened of the Peacock as it strutted in front of him. He was wonderful and we had such a good day. And how we made it back to the Zoo yesterday with his cousins, Uncle Tony and Grammy. How he loved holding hands with the big kids and once again would not eat a single spoonful of ice cream.

Or should I talk about our "watch dogs" and how I am trading them in for a chihuahua or something a little more barky. Heather was in town and was staying the night with us Saturday night. We left the front door open a light on and told her to just head on in when she got here. Well, she came in the house, into our bedroom and did a flying leap right into our bed WITHOUT EITHER DOG BARKING OR GETTING UP. Seriously, what kind of watch dogs do we have? RIDICULOUS.

We spent all of Sunday in the pools, playing and sleeping. We had a lot of family time, not just with us, but with the Grandparents also. It was a nice and mellow weekend and those are few and far between. It was the kind of weekend that you want to never end. How on Sunday I woke up at 7:20am and Greg said, "honey don't go back to bed, come and sit with me and relax." And I did, while my son and Auntie Heather slept until 8.

My son trying to drink like a dog off the patio floor after Elvis knocked over Grandma's Margarita.
He slept VERY WELL that night!

Or should I talk about how every time a motorcycle drives by, Gavin will stop and stare, point and say "Papa". He thinks every person on a motorcycle is Papa Jerry. Or if he sees one in a parking lot we have to stop and check it out.

Are these not THE cutest footie pjs ever? I can't wait for winter!

Or should I bring up that I mowed our leech field for THE FIRST TIME EVER on Saturday? Granted we have a rider now and I had Gavin on my lap the entire time. It was so fun, seriously, it was. It was our poop field, so I wasn't worried how I needed to make the lines straight, or look out for the sprinkler heads. Just don't ask Greg about the ONE ROCK I drove over WITH THE BRAND NEW BLADES. Oh the horror.

Or maybe talk about the gorgeous sunsets we have been seeing out of our backyard. I love my life.

Monday, August 3, 2009


If you have a weak stomach or would rather not see nudity, please advert your eyes now. Especially if you happen to work with my husband!

This is how we spent our Sunday. Gavin naked and Greg........well................

PS Are those not the cutest sets of buns EVER???

PPS My husband is GOING TO KILL ME