Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Road Trip

Little Miss looking adorable

We did our first road trip with Sloan this past weekend, to Steamboat Springs. Oddly enough that was Gavin's first road trip also and they were both the same age, right around 6 weeks. Sloan did great on the trip, luckily my Mom and Marv went and took the motor home so Gavin rode with them. It was nice and mellow, Little Miss slept the whole way- both ways!

She is not happy about something!

We have a lovely long weekend, leaving on Thursday and coming home Sunday. We spent Thursday and Friday nights with my Aunt and Uncle hanging out. On Saturday we headed out of town to a ranch for a girlfriends wedding. It was beautiful and the weather cleared up just in time for them to have the ceremony outside.

Greg told Heather he would pay her $10 to finish off the pitcher of Margaritas. She did it! Unsure if Greg ever did pay her....

Of course I took the camera and only took a few pictures. The ladies and Gavin went for a long walk along the Yampa River Friday and I gave the camera to Gavin to snap some photos. The top one is the one I took, the rest are from him.

We then hit the "hot springs" that is adjacent to the River, Gavin had a great time frolicking in the water.

Overall a great weekend, but glad to be home in my own bed. And the house is finally put back together! All the laundry is done and put away!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Helmets, Falling, Cleaning, Tomatoes & Birthdays

This past week has been very action packed! So please ignore the sporadic blog this week. I am in the midst of trying to pack for a weekend up in Steamboat. I forget HOW MUCH CRAP a newborn needs. Seriously we may need a U-Haul. So for those that think my house is never a mess, here is a pic to prove otherwise.

Gavin is still in love with his helmets- Greg actually busted out his old Motor cross gear and let Gavin try on everything. Not just his helmet, gloves, etc, but also the boots, jersey, pants. My son is obsessed and will probably become a motor cross boy sooner than later. I can't believe I actually just wrote that! But he looks so cute!

On Friday my Aunt Jill and cousin Taylor jumped out of an airplane. WHY? Well it was on my Aunt's bucket list! So I packed up the kids and headed out to watch them with some other family. I got some pics of them prepping, loading onto the plane and that is it. Of course once they were jumping Little Miss decided she needed to eat, so I have no pictures of the actual jump. Gavin was very amazed with the whole thing, very entranced with all of the planes taking off right in front of us. When he was talking about them jumping, he said they were "falling with balloons". It was very cute.

This past Saturday was Frankie and Jackson's 4th birthday. I am a bad Aunt and took only one picture, my daughter with my father. Sleeping. I am actually not that bad, I did make Spider Man cupcakes for Jackson, complete with hand drawn spider webs. And for Frankie I made Princess cupcakes. I completely forgot to take pictures of them! They were not only fun to look at, but very yummy! Gavin asks me everyday if he can have another Spider Man cupcake.

Tomatoes....I really don't like them. Unless they are mashed up in a salsa or a sauce. Greg does not like them either. Yet, we are growing them. Long story short, my sister made me take a few plants. Greg and I put them in my frog and bunny pots with about 2 inches of soil. I did not have high expectations for these poor things- hello I have never even watered them. Yet we are getting tomatoes from them! Gavin and I picked these yesterday. Not bad for the plants that were not wanted!

Little Miss, Greg and I are still fighting a cold. I don't think Gavin had a cold until he was over 1 for the first time! So it has been interesting! She is doing great otherwise. And one last thing, our fridge....ON THE FRITZ AGAIN! The never ending saga of our stinking fridge.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Life and things

We have somewhat settled into being a family of 6 (and yes, we count the dogs). Our routine is getting there, but it always seems that if one child sleeps like a rockstar the other is up all night or vice verse. Last night was actually one of our best nights yet, Little Miss only woke up once and so did my Monkey Pants. It was very nice and much needed as our past two nights have been a little rough. The joys of parenthood!

Sloan has definitely rounded out our family very well. She is so adorable and her big brother still dotes and loves on her. Even Elvis is taking some notice of her. Which brings me to the lost love between Elvis and Gavin. A few nights ago during dinner, Greg and I had a long talk with Gavin about his attitude toward Elvis. This is what we have found out, he does not like Elvis because Elvis is "Mommy's dog". And Crash is his dog. Hmm, I would say is this because of the baby? Is he lashing out at me through Elvis? But no, he has been mean to him for the last year pretty much! He then told us, "I want to sit by Elvis." With me replying, "Why? You don't like him." His response was, "But I like me." Makes no sense, but was hilarious when he told us this.

Tomorrow Gavin begins school (again). He is moving up to the older classroom - it will be interesting. He is so in awe (I would say love, but he better not love any other woman besides his Mama right now!) of his teacher that this transition will be very hard for him. I am hoping that he takes to his new teachers like he did Miss Stacy. He had just gotten to the point that he doesn't cry anymore when we drop him off. We will see how this turns out! I will keep you posted!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sloan Lillian Kunz

Finally a blog about our beautiful new bundle of joy. Sloan Lillian.....

She was born Monday, July 19th at 12:38 pm, weighing in at 7' 11" and 20 1/2 inches long. We had a scheduled C-section and all I have to say is, BEST THING EVER. We went in, did some things and had a baby! Yea. The recovery was so much better and easier on me. Sloan came out looking like a doll, with very chunky cheeks.

She is a dream, sleeps well, poops A LOT! Eats ok, we had some issues the first week with her having a bad case of diarrhea that led to her going on formula for a few days and a fun trip to the ER. She is much better now and we will find out in a few hours how much she weighs, we are thinking well over 8 pounds. She had dropped down to 7'4" but by her turning a week she was back to birth weight plus an ounce. She is still on formula plus my milk, but will only take the bottle. So much different than Gavin, but it is nice for the family to help feed her. I just miss the bonding of breast feeding.

Big brother Gavin absolutely loves her, wants to kiss her a lot, and of course hold her. Last week when he was getting ready to go to school he told me he didn't want to go, "because he would miss his baby." I literally started crying. He is very sweet to her, to us, not so much. He is still in his terrible 2's and has thrown more tantrums in the past 2 weeks than ever before. But happy to say he adores his sissy. That is all I really care about, that he is nice to her and isn't resentful and mean to her.

Our first two weeks with her have been action packed! Not just her trip to the Er, but we have gone out for dinner with her twice now (three times after tonight, we are meeting some friends for Sushi! Yum!), been to Target, Bed Bath & Beyond, the park, swim lessons twice, and this past weekend we went up to Estes for a bit and went for a small hike around Bear Lake. More of a walk really and for lunch in town. Of course I brought the camera to document this and went to take a picture only to find out that the battery was dead. Oh well! She did amazing every time.

I have realized that Gavin is more work than she is! She is definitely sleeping better than her big brother~seriously that kid is up ALL THE TIME in the night. He doesn't want to sleep with us, he wants Daddy to sleep with him. It is a joy.

Some cute comments from my son lately: When Sloan was crying and my Mom was holding her, "Don't cry baby, Grammy will take care of you." Made both my Mom and I cry! Since I am pumping, he is fascinated with it and I have caught him a few times trying to "pump his boobies". Or he will bust in on my while I am pumping and ask, "do you have milk yet Mommy?" Greg will be appalled I put this on here, but oh well! At least I am not posting the pics of him actually pumping! I do love all the pics of him with his helmet and/or goggles on. He wears his helmet constantly. As you can see, even to go to the bathroom. He is a nut job!

On another note, I just made my very first batch of zucchini bread, and then realized we have no butter. Still yummy though! We are on day 8 of no fridge and are out of everything! Luckily Gavin is camping with my Mom and Marv right now. You have no idea how much you rely on appliances until one is on the fritz. Thanks again to all the well wishers! We appreciate it!