Monday, February 14, 2011

Addictions and Teeth

Where to start??? It has been a very busy February. I can't believe it is already the middle of the month! The kids are growing leaps and bounds and I am not real happy with it. Sloan is so big that I am just waiting for her to leave for college. Seriously! Where is my baby???

Last week we went to the Doctor for Gavin's 3 year old and Sloan's 6 month check ups. Back to back, shots included. It was also our anniversary. Oh the joy. Gavin's check up went great. He is 90% in weight and 95% for height. I think he gets his height from me..... He only got the flu shot and took it like a champ. Sloan on the other hand had 5 shots and I cried longer than she did. I am such a pansy. Her weight was 25-50% while her height was 75%. I am once again positive that she got her height also from me!

Sloan is growing so much and now has 2 teeth in. She has also started taking showers, which she absolutely loves! I can hear her laughing in the kitchen when she is in the shower. It is too cute! As you can see from the pictures, she loves loves loves it! She is a great baby and is definitely the apple of her brothers eye. He adores her so much and hates when she naps. He would prefer she be up all the time with him to play. They are very cute together and am so glad that Gavin loves her so much.

Our little boy definitely moved from the "terrible twos" to the "freakin awful threes". I didn't think it was possible, but alas he has gotten worse. It is so much fun. The only thing he loves right now, besides Sloan, is his Leapster. He is addicted to it. It is almost as bad as the TV. He could play it for hours if I let him. It is amazing how fast he picked up how to play it. A little scary!

Have a Happy Valentines Day to all! Pictures from Sloan's first shower and a day at the park with Grammy, Marvin and Mommy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Round Two of Gavin's Birthday!

Gavin's birthday party was fantastic. We had a good turn out and all of the smaller kids came in costume. It was very cute! Here is our day in pictures (I love the pictures of the Grandparents with Sloan!):
Here is the big gift! He loved it! Cousin Pyper hopped right on the back wanting to go for a ride. It was very cute. Gavin was ecstatic!

Overall it was a great day, we have officially taken the bike out for a ride. I will post pics of those next week, along with Sloan's first shower (which she loveeeeed) and her first tooth has finally come in! Yea!