Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Happy Belated Father's Day to my Hub-a-dub!

This is a 2 parter, San Francisco and my hubby.   A very Happy Father's Day to him!  I think he had a great day, he said he did!  We spent it with both our father's, eating good food and relaxing.  It was great overall.  Our afternoon was spent frolicking in our pools on the front yard and running through the sprinklers.  He is such a good Dad and our kids are so lucky to have him!

Greg relaxing with a glass of wine while on Tiburon
Now onto our San Fransisco trip, it was so much fun.  We packed in so much, from Alcatraz- which was great to see again and of course 3 out of 4 of us got bombed with bird crap.  From one bird!  It was crazy, nothing like walking around for 5 hours with bird poop on you!  We also went to several great bars, hit the farmers market, walked along the pier several times (from 1 to 41- this was after a rough night and I don't know if I have ever heard my husband bitch more), ate sometimes (I will expand on this), went over to Tiburon for drinks on the grass overlooking the water (LOVELY!), hung out with great friends, made some new ones and walked the Bay to Breakers.

These guys were awesome-about 10 people all dressed up like salmon "swimming against the current" I have heard they come out every year.  Very funny!
This is a crazy 10K that people get seriously dressed up for, or the opposite.  Some people were walking it naked- luckily I didn't see one naked person running it!  It was very fun and my first 10K, I was not very prepared for it- like the 10 miles I walked the first few days we were there and not wearing appropriate shoes.  By mile 6 my feet were on fire and right at 7 a few blisters popped. Yuck!  So walked the last few tenths of a mile with that, super fun.  The party after the run was crazy, I  have  never seen anything like it, nor have I ever seen so many people drinking during the run or the parties going on in the neighborhoods where we walked.  It was a blast!  People every where were dressed up and it was 8 in the morning.  Overall a great first 10K!

Where Elvis finds Waldo!
Spider man to save the day!  
I feel like when you go to a city like this you try and sample their best food- well that didn't happen with us!  I think we figured it out, from Thursday night until Monday night we really only had 2 real meals.  The majority of time it was tapas, starters, shared meals, etc.  Poor Greg, one night we ordered room service after not eating a real meal since morning and it was awful.  He was pretty sure he got food poisoning and the next morning was the race.  So he was a champ and still got up with me at 5:30 after not going to bed until 3:30.  He even ended up walking in the B to B also.  Just not with me (don't ask- I am still mad!  To sum up, he was drinking and the group was winding there way to the "party area" of the walk.  But if you ask him he walked 2 miles of it and swears that he is doing it next year.  I just don't know if he can do it without a backpack full of beer!)  All in all, a fabulous time.  We got to hang out with our great friends Bunny and Big Pete.  Greg and Peter definitely have some type of bromance going on now!

The Lego group-I took this for Gavin- loves all things Lego!
So glad I got done with this, just to gear up for our next adventure- Vegas for a wedding and home 1 day and then off to Nebraska for the 4th!  Going from hot to hella hot and then onto humid hot!  Yea!  A packed 10 day adventure.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Thus Far!

I am in the process of downloading my photos from my phone to this here computer- so while doing that I realized a few things.  1.  I don't take very good pics.  2.  My kids get a hold of my phone way to often and I find random pictures taken.  I especially like the one of Gavin's undies on the floor while he is pooping.  He is such his Dad and likes to either read or play on the phone while sitting on the throne for 20 (or more) minutes.  (side note- he told me this morning that his feet were asleep and felt funny because he sat on it for so long.  Lovely.)  Anywho, it is our first few weeks of summer.  Official.  It has been a busy one, last Friday and Saturday we were at 4 different pools- my kids are official guppies.  Love it!  We have done a ton, besides a lot of pool time, pool time at our house, get togethers, play dates, gym time, birthdays (and of course parties for them), soccer and our new favorite- biking.  I finally got my bike outfitted with Sloan's seat on back, bell, basket and of course streamers.  Yesterday Gavin, Sloan and I went on a little over 2 miles.  Gavin did great.  He loved it and Sloan.....  Well she thinks it is the best thing ever.  I looked back at one point and she had her arms out like she was flying.  A D O R A B L E!  Here is our summer thus far in pictures:

Sloan on meltdown 20 of the day- it was 9am

Lazing on the couch watching cartoons in our jammies!

Picnic at the park - with our sunnies on.  So cool!

Goggles, nuff said
I am trying to do our San Fran trip also- but am being called downstairs to wrangle or kill a spider or ten.  Not sure.  But Gavin just asked me how you know if they are "the good spiders or the bad ones?"  Great.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Sorry for the lack of blogs lately.  Our past 2-3 weeks have been NON-STOP!  After our fun and exciting trip to San Francisco, which I will blog about and put up some pics.  I did the Bay to Breakers (so so so fun) and saw a TON of naked people (most did the walk- I am  still trying to figure out where they put their bibs...).  Don't worry I won't post those pics!  Ha!  We had so much fun and did so much sight seeing, walking, drinking, some eating and just enjoying San Francisco with each other and friends.  I have never really felt like a tourist there, and I have been there about a dozen or so times.  My sister lived there for 8 or so years.  So while visiting, we didn't do your normal touristy stuff.  Which is great, but I have never had to stay at a hotel, etc.  So this was nice to do your typical touristy stuff.

Anywho, we were home for a few days and then bam, I got wiped out by the flu.  It was lovely.  Fever, chills, all that fun stuff.  I recovered enough for Memorial weekend, which was jammed packed.  Then prep for Gavin's end of the year party, which was this past Saturday.  Too much fun!  This week is Gavin's first official week off of school, so I am hoping to veg out all week and get some posts done.  Even though we do have a play date Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.  Soccer starting Tuesday and a sleep over with his cousin at Grammy's house on Wednesday night.  going to the pool on Friday.  Also a birthday party this weekend and possibly hosting another get together?  Who knows.  I also have 2 ladies night out.  Unsure if going to both or neither.  We will see!  I may need sleep!  Yea, summer is here!

**Ok, I just re-read this, um, how many times can I put tourist/y into one paragraph?  Well obviously 3 times.  So sorry about that, maybe I was on a weekend hangover thingy?  Or maybe super exhausted?  Or sick of hearing my children fight about EVERY SINGLE THING.  What, you sat by me on the couch?  Well that gets you a fist to the noggin.  Or you put your face to close to my face- HEAD BUTT!  I already told Gavin he is going back to school if this continues!)