Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy 7th Month Gavin!

Today Gavin turned 7 months old, I really can't believe that he is that old and that I have been off of work for 8 months now! And I have not gone legally insane! Ha Ha! Gavin has had somewhat of a rough few days, with getting another tooth Monday. And of course, the mean Mommy I am, I took away the Binky today. I originally said at 6 months it would be gone, but we decided to do it gradually and only let him have it when he is in the crib for naps and nighttime. He only cried for 35 minutes this morning! Of course I cried a little too, but then he slept for 2 1/2 hours! Daddy had a VERY HARD time putting him to bed tonight. He stayed upstairs with him for about 10 minutes while he cried. It was not nearly as bad as it was this morning, so I think by the weekend, he will forget all about it.

Gavin also took a huge (OK maybe not that big) fall today onto the edge of the coffee table. I think Greg was expecting him to be black and blue all over when he got home. But he did have a nice little scratch over his eye. With a little bit of puffiness. I think I was more upset than he was when this happened! But like my sister and Mom said, this is just the beginning to him taking falls.

Last night Greg decided to see if Gavin would like taking a shower. Of course our little fish absolutely loved it after he had already spent 20 minutes in the tub and then another 10 in the shower! I completely thought I was doing great, recording this new first and of course, I DID NOT HAVE THE RECORD BUTTON ON! I am a ding dong! Whoops.

On another note, this past weekend was spent celebrating Frankie and Jackson's 2nd birthday! I cannot believe that they are 2! They are very funny, with very different personalities! I have attached a few pics of them eating their cupcakes, I think they had a wonderful time as did we. I can't wait for Gavin to get old enough to be able to play with them along with big sister Pyper. And yes, Frankie does look very innocent here, but do not be fooled! She is our little firecracker!

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