Monday, September 15, 2008

Meet Gavin & Mommy's Retirement

So we finally had our big bash, meet Baby Kunz and Shawna's retirement. But more importantly, it was, "we finally finished our backyard, so what better way to break it in then have 140 people over!" It was a huge success and we had a ton of fun. The new playground got such a workout! Greg and his Dad put lights on the perimeter about 2 weeks before, so kids were on it way past dark!

The jumpy castle was obviously a huge success, kids would come running from the cars when they drove up to get right into it; as you can see by all the shoes and of course it always being full! Heck even the adults had a good time in it! The last pic of the castle shows it falling over, that is because of Greg, Lane, Kristi, Marv & Dani were causing havoc in it! Yes, we are very responsible.

I have to say though, the pinata was great (thanks Kristen!). I got this as a birthday "gag" gift last year and we always said that if I had a retirement party we would bust open "Bob the Turkey". And alas, the day before while downstairs rummaging to find some things, I came across Bob and filled him up. The kids had a wonderful time with him! It did take A LONG TIME to bust him open, but he finally "lost his head" and the candy was a flowing. I think I saw a few adults push some kids out the way to get to the candy!

Gavin had a wonderful time overall, a little overwhelmed at some times. But alas, he seemed pretty happy, especially getting loved on by all the Grandmas! My Mom, Greg's Mom and my stepmother and of course he got some loving from everyone else!

The horseshoe pits, bags, polish horseshoes & fire pit got a huge workout! We figured out that the fire pit was on for about 7 hours straight- I had a hankering for S'mores! :) And by the way, Greg and I were the winners of horseshoes by the end of the night! Finally!

We would love to thank everyone who came to the party, we had a wonderful time and hope you did too! Thanks also for those that brought munchies, muchos appreciated! Thanks to Mom and Marv for picking up the food! A big thanks to Lane and Dani (Greg's cousin and girlfriend) who drove all the way from Nebraska to whoop it up with us! They single handily kept all the food moving! And a humongous thank you to the Kunz's for the food! It was hit and we very much appreciate it!

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