Monday, December 8, 2008

A little belated!

Happy Thanksgiving a week and a half late! We traveled back to Nebraska to spend it with Greg's extended family and of course had a wonderful time, with plenty to do! Gavin did very well, even with the 8 hour drive! We were very busy while there and Gavin had several different surroundings to get adapted to. Overall he was very good and of course spoiled by all the aunts, uncles, cousins and of course Great Papa. Gavin loved Great Papa's house, he knew every inch of it by the time we left. Gavin also got his first taste of Pumpkin pie, which he did not like, but did like the cool whip! The pictures below are a testament to that! The above collage was of various days while we were there, of course Papa documented all of it. Gavin has for some reason been sticking his tongue out a lot! I love the picture of him holding the wish bone. He didn't know whether to eat it or throw it. Which is typical of him now. Overall it was a wonderful trip and we were happy to spend it with the Kelly's.

On another note, Gavin turned 10 months old while we were there. He is of course wonderful and we are so thankful that he has been so happy and healthy! We are counting our lucky stars that with the flu (that I had) and the colds going around he has remained immune to it. We are looking forward to his first Christmas, we just got our tree and are in the middle of decorating it, more to come with pics! As of right now, Gavin has not gone near the tree, but thinking once the bulbs and ornaments are on he may be a little more into it. I will be fine with him ignoring it though!!!

1 comment:

Alli said...

You sound like me...I am really behind on blogging as well. But finally got to catch up with yours! Glad you had a good Turkey Day! It was great to see you guys while we were there.

P.S. LOVE Gavin's xmas pics!