Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday to Gavin!

Happy Happy birthday to my little baby! Today you turned one, we had a wonderful day full of singing, independence and riding your "Little Quad" around. But let me back track a little bit. We started your birthday celebration Saturday with a small party at our house. We blew up balloons, decorated, ordered a cupcake cake and your own personal cake. You were a little overwhelmed at the beginning, but soon warmed up to everyone and had a ball playing with all your cousins. You really did not want much to do with opening of the presents, so I took over that job with some help from Frankie and Pyper. You got a lot of wonderful presents that you have been playing with and Mommy got her wish for a toy chest for the living room (thank you Grammy!). You have been very taken with the Recycling truck and you put absolutely anything you can find into it to dump back out (thank you Bonino's). This has seriously kept you entertained for stretches of time.

Once the presents were done, we lit the candles on the cake and sang to you. You absolutely loved the singing part. So we actually did it twice! Lucky boy! You had your very own cake to tear into, devour, throw, smear in your hair and what did you do? Nothing. Like your Auntie Jen said, "he is probably like his parents and don't want his hands to get dirty." We finally made you try to dig into it, but you had no desire to eat it. You would look at your fingers take a small taste, make an awful face and try to wipe it off. It was very comical. But I have to say I love that you are not liking sugar!

You ended your day a little later than usual and slept like a champ. Sunday we did nothing but play with the new toys and put together your "Lil Quad" from the Kunz's. You helped Daddy assemble it and did a little riding around with Daddy pushing it (we had to charge the battery before you can ride it). This was also your full day with no formula and only one bottle of milk that day. You did very well!

Today started off with you sleeping until 6:40am, I was surprised because last night you did not drink any milk before you went to bed, so I thought you may wake up early and be starving! But alas, no, you let me sleep in! Crash, Elvis and I went into your room singing Happy Birthday and you were smiling and laughing. What a wonderful way to start your big day. You were very independent today, not really wanting to play with me at all! At one point I found you in the dining room, standing under the table between the chairs playing with some trash you filched from the trash can. You have also been all over the dogs lately, today I caught you "driving" your front end loader all over Elvis' face and Crash's body. You have also decided that Elvis needs decorations on his tail. Why? I am not sure, but you are very determined to get your Lego's, trucks, Tupperware, etc. to stay on his tail. The best is when you are doing this, Elvis knows something is up and starts wagging his stump of a tail and you are trying to grab it and get it to stay still. It is a pretty funny sight.

We decided to go to dinner tonight instead of grilling in the snow and 5 degree weather. We went to Gunther Toody's for a yummy grill cheese sandwich. You also had a little bit of chocolate shake. That you actually liked! Our waitress was very taken with you and plopped a pretty red smooch on your cheek! Once we were home and the battery was charged on the Quad, you rode around on that for awhile. You actually learned how to run it yourself, you drove very well, but always ended up straight into a wall!

Going to bed was a little rough with no bottle again, Daddy stayed upstairs trying to calm you down. I told him to leave you be, you would be fine in a minute- sure enough he walked downstairs and you cried for about 45 seconds and that is the last we have heard from you! You had a big day and I am so thankful this year has been so easy and fun! You are a wonderful toddler (scary that is what you are now!) and an amazing son. You make me laugh almost hourly and I am always smothering you with smooches and telling you how much I love you. I am that overbearing Mommy that annoys other people! Daddy and I love you so very much and I can't wait for the next year and everything that will happen! Happy Birthday Gavin Thomas!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Countdown to 1!

In just a few short days the peanut is turning the magical number 1! As the girl at the grocery store said, "oh wow, he won't just be a month anymore, he will actually be a number!" I never really thought of it that way, but alas, he will be. It will be very exciting and the cake has been ordered, the candle (notice it is just one candle!) purchased and of course a god awful silly hat for him to wear! We will be having a small party for him on Saturday to celebrate and then have a small dinner on Monday (his actual birthday) with Greg and I. We will let him eat his favorite food- probably grill cheese or mac n cheese. For once he will not have to eat a vegetable! Unless he wants one! Right now he is loving avocado. Yesterday at lunch with Greg at a little Mexican restaurant in Denver he ate a lot of guacamole! Honestly that is the only thing he will eat at a Mexican restaurant! I have my doubts that he is my child!
It has been beautiful in Denver for the past week. Yesterday after lunch with Greg we went to the Zoo - first time there that Gavin actually got out of his stroller and walked. He wasn't so interested in the actual animals, but more in the stuff that was in the undercarriage of the stroller. He thought it was fun to take things out and throw them in the bushes! He has also spent a lot of time in his wagon or I should say walking beside it and throwing rocks into it.
At Greg's office yesterday, one of the men asked if he always smiled! Greg said, well yea, he is a pretty happy baby! And he is, we are so stinking lucky! A family member (I don't want to say who to protect the innocent and because he has kids) said that Gavin was the best baby he has ever seen. That is a huge compliment. I think as a parent I stress about my child, if he will be good, if he is polite when I am not around, if he will pick his nose and eat it, will he mind his P's and Q's. I am not really sure what that meant, but it was drilled into me as a child! Gavin is also a huge dancer, he is loving his new Reggae CD from his cousins, as soon as I turn it on he will stand in front of the speakers and dance. His dancing consists of head banging, bobbing up and down on his knees and doing a little sway. It is very cute and funny.
The pics are hilarious because Gavin's hair is getting so long and Greg absolutely despises it when I "fro" it out. He will be getting a haircut after his first birthday. ****On a side note, Steamboat was great, I had a fantastic time full of table dancing (granted it was in our condo), sledding down the stairs in our condo and of course a lot of talking and partaking in the "spirits"!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tick Tock

We are on the countdown to my little boy becoming 1! I am in a state of awe that he will be having his first birthday in less than 2 weeks. I kinda wanted him to stay a baby for forever! But nope, I guess I don't get my wish for the year. He has been extremely crazy lately. He is, "hell on wheels", can I say that about my son? He literally runs around the house leaving chaos. Anything and everything he can possibly get into, he does. It is like having 10 kids in the house. Who knew one little boy could do so much damage in a few minutes??? But all he has to do is look at me with those big brown eyes and all else is forgotten.

He is now up to 6 teeth, running around the house, and Sunday said, "that is mine". I kid you not! I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't there and that we did not have other witnesses. At first I thought, no way did he really say that. But Grandma and Papa were there and they both heard it! So I am not delusional...... The pictures I have posted are him throwing a fit. Great, huh? He was mad because I closed the refrigerator, oh the horror! But it is funny! I love the one with Elvis right there, he isn't even paying attention to Gavin. On another note, I am leaving this weekend for a girls trip up to Steamboat! So Daddy and Gavin will be baching it. Hopefully it goes well!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Prancing Princesses, Precocious Princes, Punkrockers & Puke-a-holics

That pretty much sums up our New Years! As most of you know I am not one to go out on NYE, so instead, Greg and I ventured downtown on NYEE (the 30th) to celebrate with dinner at Sullivan's. The party animals that we are, we got home about 9:45. Whoopppeee!

The following night we had the Alexander crew over, who were just getting over the flu, along with Mom and Marv. Greg and I got festive and decorated the house, got obnoxious horns, hats and of course tiaras! Which fit perfectly for Pyper, she brought her party dress (aka princess dress) with her to change into. We cooked home made pizzas, drank some champagne, overdosed on munchies and of course went outside and blew our horns and banged some pans. Granted it was about 7 when we did this, but there was no way the kids were getting to stay up that late! We had games to play.

Once the kiddos were either asleep or tucked into our bed watching Sleeping Beauty we started playing Newlyweds. Greg and I are the reigning champs & once again kept the title, while the 2 other couples tied for..... oh wait there is no 2nd place; "If your not first, your last". We then headed into the living room to do a little Guitar Hero and Bowling. Mom even got into the action with her gimp foot, it was quite comical watching her bowl. Marv took the championship for the bowling, with me taking it in Guitar Hero, I strum a mean Hotel California. Greg and Tony were too busy geeking out with a new puzzle to come and play with us! We all did make it to midnight and popped open some more champagne to cheers to another year of health, love and maturity. Oh wait the maturity may have been just me. We then of course talked about our resolutions, but I don't know if anything was ever written down or really decided!

New Years day brought us all back together in the morning for breakfast and more puzz. Once everyone had left and we took a nap, Gavin woke up and decided that, yep, he is going to walk full time. None of this crazy crawling anymore. I think that was his resolution, no more crawling, no more talking back and of course no more pooping his pants. Oh wait, those last two are probably mine also! On another note, he now has 5 teeth, which he loves to brush and in the shower the other day we found out he likes to brush his "privates" also! Gavin has also added to his vocabulary, with Mama, Dada, Circle, Papa, Crash, and Elvis (which sounds like Elvie, courtesy of his cousins!).

The following day (or I should say that evening) I came down with the flu that knocked me literally out for a full day. I think I slept 20 out of 24 hours- I never left the bed. Greg kept coming in asking, "are you going to come out now?" Poor Mom and Marv got it also. Greg and Gavin got it, but got the "end" of it. Yesterday, when I finally made it out of the room, Greg and Gavin were on the floor when Gavin let out a toot that could have brought down the house. Greg and I both accused each other and then the dogs, BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY THAT CAME FROM MY PRECIOUS SON! But alas, we soon saw the "bubbling brew" come out and over his diaper and drip on the floor. DRIP ON THE FLOOR! I immediately started dry heaving again. Imagine me cleaning the carpet, while trying to keep Crash from licking it up, I am dry heaving a little just thinking about it. Fun days around here!

Some highlights and the best of '08:

*A full year of my retirement! Loving it!

*Finishing all the landscaping! Yea, no more nasty-grams from the HOA

*Celebrating our 1 year anniversary

*Living in Brighton with our abundance of Mexican restaurants!

*And of course GAVIN! He has brought so much into our lives, we are so lucky!

Cheers to you and yours!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I was just looking through the blog and noticed that I did not do a Christmas blog, nor a New Years (yet). So I apologize and will leave you with the following photos; Jerry took these photos for us a few nights ago. It was after our "almost hurricane" winds that decapitated one of the deers and blew down & broke a lot of our lights. I will update in a day or so when I am officially over my flu (it has run rampant in the family), with our rockin New Year's Eve party!