Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Countdown to 1!

In just a few short days the peanut is turning the magical number 1! As the girl at the grocery store said, "oh wow, he won't just be a month anymore, he will actually be a number!" I never really thought of it that way, but alas, he will be. It will be very exciting and the cake has been ordered, the candle (notice it is just one candle!) purchased and of course a god awful silly hat for him to wear! We will be having a small party for him on Saturday to celebrate and then have a small dinner on Monday (his actual birthday) with Greg and I. We will let him eat his favorite food- probably grill cheese or mac n cheese. For once he will not have to eat a vegetable! Unless he wants one! Right now he is loving avocado. Yesterday at lunch with Greg at a little Mexican restaurant in Denver he ate a lot of guacamole! Honestly that is the only thing he will eat at a Mexican restaurant! I have my doubts that he is my child!
It has been beautiful in Denver for the past week. Yesterday after lunch with Greg we went to the Zoo - first time there that Gavin actually got out of his stroller and walked. He wasn't so interested in the actual animals, but more in the stuff that was in the undercarriage of the stroller. He thought it was fun to take things out and throw them in the bushes! He has also spent a lot of time in his wagon or I should say walking beside it and throwing rocks into it.
At Greg's office yesterday, one of the men asked if he always smiled! Greg said, well yea, he is a pretty happy baby! And he is, we are so stinking lucky! A family member (I don't want to say who to protect the innocent and because he has kids) said that Gavin was the best baby he has ever seen. That is a huge compliment. I think as a parent I stress about my child, if he will be good, if he is polite when I am not around, if he will pick his nose and eat it, will he mind his P's and Q's. I am not really sure what that meant, but it was drilled into me as a child! Gavin is also a huge dancer, he is loving his new Reggae CD from his cousins, as soon as I turn it on he will stand in front of the speakers and dance. His dancing consists of head banging, bobbing up and down on his knees and doing a little sway. It is very cute and funny.
The pics are hilarious because Gavin's hair is getting so long and Greg absolutely despises it when I "fro" it out. He will be getting a haircut after his first birthday. ****On a side note, Steamboat was great, I had a fantastic time full of table dancing (granted it was in our condo), sledding down the stairs in our condo and of course a lot of talking and partaking in the "spirits"!

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