Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Anniversary Honey!

So I am a little delayed in writing this, it has been somewhat of a crazy week. Greg and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Monday. 2 YEARS! THAT IS IT! We both agreed that it has felt much longer, but in a good way. We have done so much in those 2 years, more than some people do in 20! We spent the evening going to a movie and out for some sushi. It was nice and relaxing. Plus the sushi was wonderful, along with the company. I love you more everyday! Thank you for giving me the best son in the world and for being the best husband in Brighton! :)
We are heading up to Steamboat this weekend, for some much needed sledding! Gavin, I am sure will like it once he gets over the fact that he is dressed as an Eskimo! Greg and I are excited to get out of town for a bit and hang out with the family.
Gavin has had a fever the past day, which is weird, because the boy acts no different. I think he is getting some more teeth in. During the night he woke us up screaming bloody murder, not because he felt bad, but because he was tied up in his blanket- he couldn't find his hands to get to doggy! The Horror! I picked him up and he was burning up, so of course, got Greg up, opened up my Baby Bible and was contemplating calling the doctor- hello 103! After some Tylenol it soon subsided and he went to sleep talking to himself and tooting- that is his new "thing". As we speak he is sitting in the dishes cupboard stirring his "food" with a spoon and grunting. LOVELY. He is of course adorable and said banana today. I was trying to have him eat mango this morning with his breakfast and he took one bite, spit it out and said "banana". It was pretty funny. **I feel like I have been neglecting the dogs for a bit, so have added some pics of Elvis sleeping on Crash's bum!**

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