Monday, May 18, 2009

Guilty Pleasures

Top Ten Guilty Pleasures:

10. Chips & queso from Illegal Pete's
9. Britney Spears new CD (I can't believe I am admitting this!)
8. Vampire movies
7. Margaritas in the sun
6. Warm cookies straight out of the oven
5. Rock of Love (All 3, + spin offs)
4. A good massage, so good that I wake myself up because I was snoring and there is drool on the pillow.
3. The smell of my son when he gets out of the shower.
2. Gossip (I love reading
1. A day of napping and snuggling with my boys in the rain.

I started thinking about doing this last night while I was trying to sleep. Every day I will do a top 5 or 10 for all the boys (or men) in my home.......
***Update*** My husband just said he read this and not one thing was about him. I said, "well, I am doing your own personal top 10things I love ABOUT YOU and only you."

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