Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Little Man

First off I will do my Top 10 Favorite things about Gavin and then give a rundown of him in the past few weeks!

10. He is a fantastic SLEEPER! Seriously that kid loves to sleep like his Momma!

9. His love of vacuuming, he is definitely taking after us with regards to his cleanliness.

8. He loves to have his back tickled. I love those moments when he puts his arms out to me and snuggles into my shoulder while pulling his shirt up so I will tickle him. He is pretty independent and doesn't really love on me a lot, so this makes up for it.

7. His smell.

6. He is so stinking smart! And NO I am not biased!

5. His sense of adventure- he has no fear. He could play outside all day in rain or shine if you allowed him. What? A big rock? Well then he needs to climb it.

4. His smile. He makes me putty in his hands as soon as he smiles at me. ALL the ladies love him, he is by far the biggest flirt of a child I have ever seen!

3. His love of the dogs, they are his play toys and they worship him.

2. His laugh! It is infectious and a deep rumble. It is like hearing your favorite sound all day long, because he is always laughing. He is such a happy baby.

1. He is so stinking adorable and the BEST BABY EVER. Seriously, he is, slept through the night at 3 months, sleeps 11-12 hours a night now. Takes great naps, eats like a champ. And eats EVERYTHING! Also has yet to have a breakdown or a poop in public. YES, YOU READ THAT RIGHT! And teething? What is that? He has too many to count now and I have yet to see him have a fever or be "cranky" about it. He is the loveliest boy ever and I am such a lucky Mommy to have him. I love him with all my heart!


So I just got a little teary eyed writing that. He is seriously the best kid and the easiest. It is amazing how lucky we have been with him. He is still growing like a weed, it seems everything is in his reach right now. He has added new words to his vocab and loves to talk now. Still in love with my bracelets and will wear them constantly around the house, to the store, out for dinner. It is his new love. along with puzzles. He will sit and do one right after another for 20, 30 minutes. And he is fast- will do one in a minute, but loves to rotate them and do them all and then repeat. He is such a Kelly!

Greg and I's trip to Vegas was in one word, awesome! We had such a wonderful time, seriously the best time either one of us has had there. We spent time with family, Sossy, some serious pool time, good food, Peepshow (which was FANTASTIC), quality time together and of course some gambling. We won some, but lost more overall. Gavin had a great time with Grammy, Marv and the Kunz's. I am sure he was starved, beaten and locked in a closet most of the time. Well the starving part may be true! Grammy forgot to put Ketchup on his eggs, THE HORROR!
This week has been pretty crazy for us, we are hosting my Mom's retirement party on Saturday, so have been doing a lot of cleaning, shopping, cleaning, pulling weeds, cleaning..... You get the drift. We love doing this though and are happy to do it for my Mom after her 30+ years at good ole B.H.S!

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