Monday, July 20, 2009

Finally the 4th!

Sorry this is so belated, but alas, here it is!

Our trip to Nebraska was great, we had a good time with all the Kelly family. Our trip out there was pretty good. Gavin did good, he watched Madagascar, well not really. He would only pay attention to it when the music came on, then he would start dancing in his seat. It was pretty comical.

The actual 4th was a chilly day, Greg, Papa and Gavin were the only ones to actually get into the pool. Gavin was very fascinated with the playhouse in the back and spent the most of his day in there. It was a fun day filled with A LOT of fireworks at the end. It was a long day, but luckily Gavin had taken a 3 1/2 hour nap before the party. So he got to stay up and enjoy it all!

The following day was beautiful and hot so we went back over to Danny & Sue's so we could actually do some swimming. Gavin had a ball and we were so glad to get to spend so much time with everyone! We appreciate all the hospitality and miss everyone!

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