Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Giving Thanks

The past 8 months have been a hard time for us. In that short time we have found out Greg had Celiac disease, I had an appendicitis, I suffered a miscarriage and we have lost several family members and a father figure for Greg. In that short time we have attended 5 funerals. It began with my uncle dying in March and ended with my cousin Roger losing his three year battle with brain cancer a few weeks ago. We also lost 2 family members to the same strain of leukemia, one who was in her 70's and one who just turned 40.

With everything that has happened in the past several months, it makes me realize what is important in our lives. So this year I will be giving thanks to our health, our wonderful families and our beautiful, but sometimes bratty, son. My heart goes out to my families that have lost someone this past year. They will be in our hearts and thoughts this upcoming holidays.

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!

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