Thursday, September 23, 2010

Crazy Week

I always have every intention of having a good/mellow week and it always ends up where I feel like I am running around with my head cut off! Which is just like this week, I actually started this blog on MONDAY! And am finally finishing it today- THURSDAY. So yes, once again, the week somehow just sailed by!

Two Sundays ago we had a sick little boy, why? Unsure. He had a fever, was lethargic and really didn't want to do anything. He actually fell asleep at breakfast and did not eat any of his Chocolate Chip Pancakes (before we knew how sick he was). The next morning he woke up and said he felt fine. Which was good, it was Grandparents Day at School. So off he went with Grammy, Grandma and Papa. There were 5 grandparents in his class that day and 3 belonged to Gavin- what a lucky boy! He had a great time and I think so did all the Grandparents!

But of course as soon as he got home he was clammy again and said he didn't feel good. He never had a fever again, but that night in his throes of thrashing around and moaning I tried to give him some medicine. It didn't go well. He puked all over me, himself and his bed. GROSS! First time I have been really thrown up on by him. He has spit up as a baby, but puke? Never. We both immediately took a shower and he crawled in bed with us. He didn't make it to school the next day. We actually never left the house!

By Wednesday he was back to normal, which was good. Daddy had taken he day off to hang out with him and Sloan while I went to the Spa! Yea for me! We then met my Mom, Marv, sister and her kids down at the Rockies game. It was fun, just a little overwhelming with an 8 week old and a 2 year old. I think I watched a total of 1 inning.

The rest of our week was pretty mellow and nice, our weekend was even better. On Saturday we met my Dad over at Carl's Farm for their fall festival and Gavin had a ball. (Once again I forgot the camera!) He rode ponies, a train, petted various animals and got to hang out with his cousins. Overall a great morning! We then headed over the Kunz's to help stack a little wood. Gavin got his very first sliver that we had to do surgery on, even though he was wearing gloves.

Sunday we had a leisurely morning and then decided to go to Heritage Square. Now I have lived in Colorado my whole life and I have been there now a total of 3 times. The first time for a wedding when I was like 22 and the past 2 times with Greg. I never knew there were rides and stuff and no, I have never ridden the Alpine Slide. What I have realized is how dated and yucky that place is. (Yep, I said it. Yucky. It definitely needs a huge revamp.) I wouldn 't allow Gavin to ride on anything. Greg did take him up the chair lift (which I was freaked out about!) and down the slide. Gavin of course loved it and talked all about the "big slide." And once again forgot the camera. I am not getting best Mom award this week!

Our week thus far has been good, Little Miss had her 2 month check up yesterday and all went great. Between the nurse and Doctor, we heard about 5 times how "perfect" she is. I hit her weight on the head with 11'8". She is growing like a weed and "perfectly proportioned". She of course had a 3 shots, but took them like a champ. All day she slept, except for the 30 minutes that she screamed while my Mom was at our house! Heck, she even slept better in the night than normal. I actually woke her up at 2:45 to make her eat, I think she would have slept through the night, but her Daddy was worried......

Speaking of her Daddy, he is leaving us starting today until Sunday for a golf trip with the guys. Of course my Mom is also out of town this weekend also. We will see how being a "single parent" is this weekend! Gavin is already saying that, "he is going too." My poor boy is such a Daddy's boy that it may prove to be a very "interesting" weekend. Wish me luck!

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