Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Whole Lot of Stuff!

Ok, where to begin..... I love fall, I love October for 2 things, Halloween and my birthday! Oh, I guess three things- the leaves turning on the trees. One of the things I wanted for my birthday was to take a drive and see the aspens. So we bundled up Sloan, left Gavin with the Kunz's and headed out, here are some pics of that drive....

As you can tell, I took them all from inside the car, either through the window or out of the sun roof. Yes, that is how we do it!

We also did some celebrating for both my Mom and I at a bbq Mom and Marv hosted. Some pics of the kids, being kids. I love, love, love, the fact that they are all cracking each other up. Gavin loves his cousins so much and is so lucky to have them close by!

Last weekend we ventured out to Anderson Farm, always a good time (can you hear the sarcasm in my voice?). Sloan slept 2 out of 3 hours being there. Gavin had a great time, with the grandparents and his cousins. It was very crazy and crowded, but overall a fun day. Sloan looked adorable as my little ladybug.

Here are some randomness from our days at home. All of us on the floor playing together. I love the fact that Crash is not only protecting Sloan, but also the puzzle pieces (note his foot on it). Love these type of days.

I will snap some photos of our adorable pumpkins that we finally decorated on Sunday. Along with our gorgeous trees, they just finally turned this week! They look awesome, Gavin and I go out every day and look at them.

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