Wednesday, November 10, 2010

At Last

Ok, finally Halloween! It was a busy week for us that is for sure! But here is our 'Ween in pictures:
The Friday before Halloween, Gavin had a party at his school. It was very fun and we realized that the girls out number the boys about 3-1 in his class. No wonder he only talks about 1 other boy! He does talk quite a bit about some of the girls though, it is very cute.

The carving, I love the pose of Gavin annoyed. He is so my child! We had a fun time and he actually got more into it, especially the drawing on the pumpkins (can you see all the black marker residue?) and the stabbing of the pumpkins. It worried me for a minute, but it may just be a way for him to get his frustration out on being a 2 year old and having parents that have hardly any patience lately. Who knows.....

On Halloween day it was a nice day so we were all outside playing, Sloan of course in her Halloween onesie and Gavin in his scary shirt! Too cute!

That night we got our outfits on and headed over to a neighbors for some chili and drinks. We then piled onto the trailer to do some trick or treating. Gavin had a ball! He loved getting off and on the float and going up to the neighbors and saying "TRICK OR TREAT!" He was usually always the last one to get up there. It was so fun and it turned out to be such a nice night!
I also threw in some random pictures of our week. I decided to go to Target a few days after and buy some of the costumes 50-70% off. I thought, even if the kids don't want to be it next year, they would be good for dress up. I think Elvis looks dashing as a cowboy!


On another note, my little missy has 3 teeth coming in. AT THE SAME TIME! sheesh.

1 comment:

Alli said...

LOVE the family picture and the costumes! Sloan makes an adorable lady bug. Pretty cool that you have the hay ride through the neighborhood.