Monday, November 7, 2011

A Very Scary Halloween!

Well I guess it could be considered a very scary Halloween seeing as how we all had the flu the weekend before!  But alas, we rallied and made it for some Halloween fun!  Here is  our Halloween in pics....

Our Spooky Witch and Very Scary Vampire, on our way to Gavin's school Friday afternoon to partake in the festivities!  This is really hours before the flu hit our home, in a very bad way!

Here is our Cute Piggy and Sick Vampire Halloween night heading over to the neighbors to get on our float for trick or treating!

I unfortunately still cannot get the pictures downloaded off of our new camera.  Nor can I get the camera to work.  I swear, I am about to smash it!  I have been saying I am going to be better about blogging and then try and figure out how to download/get it to work, get frustrated and walk away.  Hence NO Blogs for a very long time!  And not a lot of pics lately.  The bottom picture is the only one we have of Halloween night, taken from my cell. The top pics are from Jerry.  I am a bad Mommy!  Because look at how stinking cute they look that night.  Even though Greg, Gavin and I all were still in the end of  the flu.  Sloan got it Friday night, gave it to EVERYONE she came in contact with- so sorry about that!  Then Greg, Gavin and I all got hit with it Sunday.  Granted it was at different hours of the day.  But still did not make for a fun weekend/week.  Gavin was still throwing up this past Friday.  Ugh!  He missed all of school last week.  That has never happened!  We both are ready for him to go back.  Can you say Cabin Fever???

On to better things, I am trying to download some pics off my phone to give a recap of our summer.  yes, it is almost Thanksgiving and I still have not done much about our fabulous summer!  From camping, to a lot of mountain time (Breckenridge 2X), Steamboat, Estes, Glenwood, Vegas (and swimming with Vince Neil), etc. Fingers crossed that I will get my S#%T together and quit procrastinating about stuff.  Maybe that should be my Thanksgiving Resolution.  Hopefully I will get the camera working by then, we are heading to Nebraska this year.  Or this weekend- Greg and I will be heading to San Diego (well Greg will already be there) for a little getaway.  Wish me luck on fixing the camera!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Taste of Colorado??

Huh. A Taste of Colorado? I think it was just a taste of 10 different chain restaurants. We ventured down there Monday morning to hit the Lego tents (That is my son's new love- LEGOS! He and his Daddy have built castles, boats, trucks, space ships, airplanes, star wars thingies, etc. It is getting ridiculous how many tables we have with legos on them). Anyway, I was so disappointed in the actual food booths. They had the same ones on every street, in the same order. What happened to the variety and local restaurants? It was disappointing to say the least. Oh well, the kids had a good time!

I am making it my mission to do more posts. Our summer has been so full with so much and I want to document it! I did get a new camera, but still have no idea how to download, I am sure it is easy- but I just haven't done it. Slacker. I know. But I will try and do blogs on our fun trips, Gavin's fun trips with the Grandparents, hikes, Vegas, etc. etc. Too much fun!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sloan's First Birthday!

Ok, I am back, unsure of how long though. I did get a new camera, so hopefully will be better at taking pictures and blogging!

Sloan turns 1 on this past weekend we celebrated all weekend. My sister came over on Saturday to give Sloan her gift and of course cupcakes (because she flew out to Boston Sunday)! Sloan's first taste of some yummy sugar! She loved it. Completely dug right in and was sharing it with everyone. Then on Sunday we had a small party for her with the grandparents only. We learned with Gavin that he was too shy to enjoy his cake and let loose on his first birthday. So we decided since my sister was out of town to just do a small party. I am glad we decided to do that, she did not nap and had a late night the night before. So was very tired! I will do a longer post with pictures from that day and also her actual birthday (tomorrow). Greg is taking the day off and we are going to Estes Park! We haven't been back there since she was 11 days old. Should be fun! Here are some pics of her day- she decided to just dig in face first and loved her gift from us - a new kitchen!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Taking a Break

So for the summer I will be taking a break with blogging. First off my camera is broken, so my pictures are all on my phone and I think it is a pain to email it to myself, download to my computer, etc. I am not that technically savvy. Plus our summer has been so crazy and busy that I would rather spend my days sleeping in(Gavin woke up today at 8:45 and Sloan at 7:30- score!), going to the pool and playing with the kids. Sloan will be one soon and is definitely our drama queen and keeps me on my toes. Gavin is growing into such a boy and has taken the summer off from school, so we are trying to keep him busy and entertained. Lucky that is not hard to do!

So be patient, I will hopefully resume soon, but in the meantime- ENJOY!

Monday, May 23, 2011

My Baby....

Girl is now full on walking! Yikes! She just turned 10 months and must feel like she is missing out on life or something. She is amazing with her stability and balance. Yesterday she just stood in the grass for 3 minutes. Just hanging out. We were counting her steps and the last we counted was 20. Now we don't bother, she just motors. Unless she is feeling like she is too slow, then she drops and crawls. It is very cute. Now if she would only get some hair.

The pictures are from the wedding we went to in Nebraska. Both kids did great and were so cute. The pic of Sloan sitting down was her mad that her Daddy went into the house. She is such a Daddy's Girl!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mexcio Part 2

Forgive me for no getting this out sooner. We were home from Mexico for less than 1 week and set off again for Nebraska for a wedding. We were gone for 5 days, got home and Greg the next day for 3 days for work. We are all finally back together and the house is put back in order. Yea! We will be back to normal for a week before Greg leaves again. Sheesh!

On our trip to Mexico we took a trip over to Isla Mujeres for the day. It was such a great day, but ended up being a very long day. We got to go to a wonderful place park that had snorkeling, zip lining, open bar, infinity pool and great walking trail along the cliffs. It was perfect getaway from the resort for awhile. Jason did some snorkeling while both boys zip-lined. I love the fact my husband did a spread eagle for his pose! Lovely.

It was a great time, with our lovely weather now, I would go back in a heart beat! There will be no blog about Nebraska, I did not take one picture, whoops! On the up side though, I got Lasik yesterday and this is my first post sans glasses! Yea! I can't believe I haven't worn them in a full day, my face feels naked. But I love to be able to see...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mexico Part 1

Our last dinner of the trip!

Well Greg and I survived Mexico! It was a fun time, but I was very much ready to get home. Besides missing my kids so very much, I got a lovely case of Montezumas Revenge on our second day there. Super fun! But here is our trip in pictures. I will break this up into two blogs because one day we went to Isla Mujeres and we took over half of our pictures on that trip.

The boys doing shots at our pool off our room- that was an ugly evening that my husband barely remembers!

Our main pool

Having cocktails before dinner

My husband the last night. It was not a great day to fly the next day!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April thus far...

I am trying to get my act together. One more blog in the month of April. I remember fondly when I would do a few a week, or at least one a week. Now I am lucky to get 2 a month. Oh well! Who knew that having 2 kiddos would keep me so busy!

We started our April with some beautiful weather. That I why I love Colorado so, the day of our hike was 80, while the next day was 40! The pictures are from our first hike of the year. Gavin did wonderful and Sloan did ok. I only say that because while applying sunscreen, she rubbed her eyes and got some in them. Poor thing. She was a trooper though! Never cried a bit, just had that one eye tearing the whole time. She absolutely loved being in the back pack though. She just sat up there soaking it all in and then fell asleep about 1/2 way into the hike. We did 3 miles and Gavin had a ball, even Crash came along. We had to cross over a stream several times and he thought that was so cool. I can't wait to do more.

Greg and I are off to Mexico this Saturday with some friends. It will be our first long trip away from the kids. I am a little nervous for sure. I know they will be good, or at least I hope so. Both Gparents are watching them. So hopefully they behave! Hopefully I can fix my camera before we leave so we can get some pictures! Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

March Madness

I am finally getting around to our crazy March! Just a few highlights. St. Patricks Day Parade! We had so much fun, of course I didn't take any of the kids pictures on our actual camera, just our cell phones. Whoops! We all were decked out though and the kids did great!

March also brought my sister's 40th birthday. We had a lot of fun. There was some craziness sure, maybe some dancing, drinking, puking in the stairwell, falling on the dance floor and possibly some butt cake. Here are some highlights:

It wouldn't be proper to end on this note (the birthday girl barely standing wearing some randoms band hat. Seriously who actually wears that to a bar???) Anyway, here are some pictures of the morning after. Taylor (Bubba) is a classy guy! I still don't know how I ended up being the responsible one that night! Sheesh!

Happy April! Hopefully more to come!

Friday, April 1, 2011


I know, I am neglecting my blog right now. I just looked at it and realized I only did one blog in the month of March. I really don't know where the time has gone. Oh wait, yes I do! I have been a single Mom off and on for the past 6 weeks with Greg's company being bought (which happened today- Yea!). He is in St. Louis right now. I don't even know if I spelled that right. Oh well. I have been slammed with planning vacations and parties, my sister's 40th last weekend and several coming up. Lets see, we go to Mexico at the end of this month, we host 2 parties in May and head to Nebraska for 5 days, 2 parties in June, a trip to Breckenridge with friends for 5 days, another big party in July for Sloan's first and probably an August one. Who knows with us! We still haven't even talked about his companies party. I have been trying to find the time to get a cavity filled for over a month now and schedule Lasik. Plus a bunch of house stuff (painting inside and out) and hitting the gym at least 4 times a week. I sometimes feel like I would get more done if I went back to work. The kids are crazy right now, Sloan is now pulling herself up onto things and walking. EEEK! She is still stinking cute and so much fun. Definitely the happiest baby I have ever seen. Gavin is big and getting bigger. And also a tad bit more sassy. He told me yesterday when we left the house to turn off the TV (we leave the radio on through the TV for the dogs when we are gone) because it is wasteful. True, but really? He is too cute. This morning Sloan was up at 4:40 am. Yea! And went back to bed at 6. Of course Gavin got up at 6:10. So I put a movie on and we crawled under the blankets on the couch and watched some Scooby Doo. I was dozing and I noticed he was searching for my hand and when he found it, held it. Seriously brings a tear to my eye. He is getting to be such a little man, but still a Mommy's boy when need be. I will download pictures today, I have a ton! I forgot we even hit 2 St. Patty's parades with all of us decked out in green. Plus random pics around the house and Jen's 40th. Some very classy pics in that group!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Picture Time!

We finally did it, got the kids pictures taken. We are slackers I know! We decided to wait until July for our family portrait. I wanted to do outside pictures with the kids for winter, but we have no snow and the ugly brown of the trees and grass just isn't very pretty! So alas, we will wait until summer for Sloan's first birthday and do some pictures in the beautiful Colorado outdoors!
Here are some of the keepers!

I am hoping one day soon Sloan will get some hair! My bald little girl!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I know, I am slacking on blogging right now. It has been a hectic week, as was last week. My little girl decided to start crawling on Thursday and on Friday I found her STANDING IN HER CRIB. Greg promptly moved her mattress down so I wouldn't have a heart attack. She is just growing so quickly. I can't believe it. I have not even got the camera out for the past 2 or 3 weeks. But will post some new pics this weekend or next week. We are finally getting the kids pictures taken! FINALLY!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Addictions and Teeth

Where to start??? It has been a very busy February. I can't believe it is already the middle of the month! The kids are growing leaps and bounds and I am not real happy with it. Sloan is so big that I am just waiting for her to leave for college. Seriously! Where is my baby???

Last week we went to the Doctor for Gavin's 3 year old and Sloan's 6 month check ups. Back to back, shots included. It was also our anniversary. Oh the joy. Gavin's check up went great. He is 90% in weight and 95% for height. I think he gets his height from me..... He only got the flu shot and took it like a champ. Sloan on the other hand had 5 shots and I cried longer than she did. I am such a pansy. Her weight was 25-50% while her height was 75%. I am once again positive that she got her height also from me!

Sloan is growing so much and now has 2 teeth in. She has also started taking showers, which she absolutely loves! I can hear her laughing in the kitchen when she is in the shower. It is too cute! As you can see from the pictures, she loves loves loves it! She is a great baby and is definitely the apple of her brothers eye. He adores her so much and hates when she naps. He would prefer she be up all the time with him to play. They are very cute together and am so glad that Gavin loves her so much.

Our little boy definitely moved from the "terrible twos" to the "freakin awful threes". I didn't think it was possible, but alas he has gotten worse. It is so much fun. The only thing he loves right now, besides Sloan, is his Leapster. He is addicted to it. It is almost as bad as the TV. He could play it for hours if I let him. It is amazing how fast he picked up how to play it. A little scary!

Have a Happy Valentines Day to all! Pictures from Sloan's first shower and a day at the park with Grammy, Marvin and Mommy.