Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mexcio Part 2

Forgive me for no getting this out sooner. We were home from Mexico for less than 1 week and set off again for Nebraska for a wedding. We were gone for 5 days, got home and Greg the next day for 3 days for work. We are all finally back together and the house is put back in order. Yea! We will be back to normal for a week before Greg leaves again. Sheesh!

On our trip to Mexico we took a trip over to Isla Mujeres for the day. It was such a great day, but ended up being a very long day. We got to go to a wonderful place park that had snorkeling, zip lining, open bar, infinity pool and great walking trail along the cliffs. It was perfect getaway from the resort for awhile. Jason did some snorkeling while both boys zip-lined. I love the fact my husband did a spread eagle for his pose! Lovely.

It was a great time, with our lovely weather now, I would go back in a heart beat! There will be no blog about Nebraska, I did not take one picture, whoops! On the up side though, I got Lasik yesterday and this is my first post sans glasses! Yea! I can't believe I haven't worn them in a full day, my face feels naked. But I love to be able to see...

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