Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gavin & his Personality

Gavin cracks me up on a daily occurrence. Who knew a 7 month old would already know ALL the buttons to push and how to fake cry already! It is amazing how much of a sucker I am when it comes to him and his "personalities". He definitely has me wrapped around his little pinkie! He already knows exactly how to search out all wires, covered outlets, the dogs toys- which he immediately sticks in his mouth! He loves to look at you when he is about to do something he knows is a no no, see what you will say or do, smile and then do it! He is very clever. An hour ago he was feeding himself and accidentally hit himself on the nose with the bottle. Some milk squirted out of the tip onto his face and he started laughing hysterically. He continued to do this the entire time he was eating! I was laughing so hard, he was so cute and funny. Makes me love every day with him even more! He has quite the sense of humor already.
With regards to the pics at the beginning of the post, I took them all in one day and is just a little collage of how our day goes from him waking up; greeting me with a smile and standing in his crib! To us spending all day on the floor, playing with toys, the dogs, etc. The 2 middle pictures crack me up, that is Gavin trying to take the camera from me. I love his scrunched up nose, the "I am intent on getting that thing out of your hand" picture. I love the picture of him laughing, his hair is looking so RED! Scary! Of course the love for the dogs have not dwindled. I think Elvis is finally starting to reciprocate.

1 comment:

Alli said...

The look on this kid's face is just too classic. Between the pic in the crib and the scrunchy face, I am just dying! :)