Thursday, January 7, 2010

Merry Belated Christmas, Part1

I will be breaking up our very long Christmas blog. I think we started celebrating the weekend before Christmas and ended the Tuesday after. That is a longggggg time to keep playing Santa!

We hosted my family and had a great time. Gavin made out like a bandit (as did we) and some of his very favorite items are from that day. Lets be honest, same with me. I don't think I have taken off my new Ugg slippers since that day- super comfy and warm. Unsure but with this pregnancy, I am ALWAYS FREEZING. Last night I made Greg get out an electric heater and turn it on high and wrap me in it. This was on top of my fleece socks, sweats and sweatshirt. I also had the fireplace going. I sleep with my face under the covers because my nose is like an iceberg. I thought pregnant women were always hot??

Anyway, here is our Xmas in pictures:

Gavin getting his new personalized suitcase. He loves this thing! Will continuously take things out and put them back in, then drag it around. Pretty cute.

Jack and Pyper with their new water bottles. I think Pyper's is very fitting, little Miss Drama Queen!

Gavin having some help with his new table and chairs. This is my personal favorite gift, he loves to sit at the table and color. Or put all the chairs in line and put his stuffed animals on them.

All the kids tuckered out after opening gifts.

We then let Gavin open our big gift from us a couple of days later. This is what I get for letting Daddy do some shopping without me! Matching F-150s. Gavin loves this thing, it just is poopy that it is so cold out to let him drive around in it.

As you can see, Gavin loves cruising around our neighborhood. Hopefully next week we can spend some more time outside!

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