Greg & Jerry (Papa) in their Xmas jammies from Gavin- Greg asked me to "please not put this pic up." Sorry honey!
Opening Santa gifts on Christmas morning.
We decided to venture to Nebraska for Christmas this year. Gavin is still not up on the whole "Christmas thing", so we figured this would be the only year we would go back. After this I would like Gavin & new baby bean to wake up in their own bed and begin our own Christmas traditions.
Opening Santa gifts on Christmas morning.
When we decided to drive back we did not have a clue that we would be going into a blizzard! But alas, when we did find out, we left a day early and thought it wouldn't be too bad. Were we wrong! The drive started out with my lovely son having a breakdown that lasted about 30 minutes or so; in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. He was so hysterical he ended up throwing up all over himself. Lovely. We didn't have anywhere to pull off for about 15 minutes, so the car smelled just peachy. Did I mention I am pregnant? And that smells are super great right now? I think I told Greg at one point we were turning around (we were about 3 hours into the drive), little did we know, we really should have. The rest of the drive went ok, until about the last 3 or so hours. The snow was coming in and there was accidents everywhere. Our normal 7 1/2 hour drive turned into almost 9. All I have to say, is thank god we had brand new tires and our truck, we would have never made it in my car!
At Big Papa's Christmas day, because our dinner for the day was cancelled, we threw together a quicky dinner (no stores were open) and decided to stay in our pjs all day.
The snow, the snow, the snow, it never stopped. And with the blowing snow, it was such a lovely blizzard. This lovely snow broke a 61 year old record for most snow on Christmas. Being from Colorado, we are lucky, it snows for a good day or 2, then we head outside in the sunshine and play. Not so for the Nebraskans. We never once got to play in the lovely snow. Poor Gavin. And to complete this lovely weather, most all of our "to dos" were cancelled. Overall, we did have a good time, Greg tied one on pretty well one night with his cousins, aunts and uncles. I even managed to stay up until 2 am that night!
Our drive back was worse than the drive to. We found out the day before we were to leave that I-80 was closed and had been closed since Christmas Eve. They finally opened it up the night before we left, and it was not in great shape. At one point we were down to one lane because they didn't remove enough snow. I have added some pics of that 9 + hour drive home. We saw about 8 accidents in about a mile span. FUN TIMES!
I just noticed while looking through my photos to upload, I have have only about 15 pictures from our trip. And they all are either Gavin or our drive. I realized that when we go somewhere with Jerry, I leave it up to him to take all the pictures. So I apologize to the Kelly's, I don't even have a pic of Big Papa! Sheesh I am a slacker.
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