Monday, May 10, 2010

The root of all EVIL is....

....Doughnuts. Oh yea, I said it. Doughnuts are the bane of my existence. If you don't believe me, well, they landed me in the ER on Saturday. Yep, they are getting the blame. Let me back track a bit......

Every time we go to the grocery store, we HAVE TO go through the bakery and pass by all those delectable looking doughnuts, muffins, scones, etc. to get to the free cookies for Gavin. I always tell Greg, "they look SO STINKING GOOD", but I never break down and get any. I know that after I eat one I will feel like crap. My Mom calls them "gut bombs" for a reason! So I always just walk on by.

My son. My cute little monkey is in his new bed now. He just doesn't know that when it is still dark out he has to stay in bed. So Friday morning, he came bouncing into our room at 4:50 am, ready to rock and roll. When Greg left for work at 5:30 - I told him, I deserve a doughnut for being up so early. So off we went (a few hours later), to Krispy Kreme to get a couple of doughnuts. Gavin has never had one (that I know of) so he was very excited. We each ate one on the drive home (hello, we had been up for 2 1/2 hours by then)! Gavin devoured his and so did I. But once we got home, I started feeling ill. I broke down and tried to eat some lunch hours later and that didn't help. Greg and I went out for dinner that night and things just got worse. We watched a movie once we were home and I couldn't get comfy, honestly I was pretty whiny. I finally told Greg, "I wish I would just throw up, I know I would feel better." If only I had known then! About 1 am I woke up, and got violently ill. It was not pretty. But I did feel better!

I never did sleep well that night, so I tried to nap about 9. I laid down and it felt like I was wearing a corset 10 times too small. My ribs were aching, it then moved into my chest and back. I couldn't breathe and was freaking out and crying like a baby (thank goodness Gavin wasn't there, I try to be strong when he is around :) ). After a quick call to the doctor- they sent me to the ER, making sure I did not have a blood clot. After an EKG, blood work, a lot of sitting around and a cat scan (why is it that the iodine they pump into you makes you feel like your tongue is too big for your mouth and that you need to tinkle?) I was sent home. They think I either bruised a rib or pulled a muscle in my quest to purge the doughnut. Well they really didn't say it was the doughnuts fault, I didn't really tell them the whole story. But yes, I blame it on the doughnut!

This past weekend wasn't spent just in the ER, Sunday was Mother's Day! I had the best one yet. I was awoken by my monkey coming into the bedroom saying, "Good morning Mama, Happy Mother's Day." It was too cute. We then headed to Flatirons to have Brunch with the Kunz's. After that, we went to a park in Boulder for a picnic with my Mom, Marv, sis and her family. The kids had fun playing and the adults soaked up the sun. I was a ding dong and didn't put sunscreen on certain areas of my body. So I have some funky burns on my chest, arms and legs. Where I actually put sunscreen is nice and brown. Oh well. The rest of the day was spent vegging out at home with the boys, Greg grilled and we spent some more time outside. It was perfect. A great way to end a somewhat less than ideal weekend. I of course forgot the camera yesterday- so no pics!

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